The Jump Rope Institute teaches Jump Rope Weight Loss as part of jump rope education, jump rope fitness, jump rope health, jump rope cross training and jump rope recreation. We want to motivate and encourage people to use jump ropes for sports, and jump rope recreation as a way of life.

What piece of exercise equipment sells for under $50.00, fits into a briefcase, can be used by the whole family, and improves cardiovascular fitness while toning muscle at the same time? Did you know that by using it for just 15-20 minutes will burn off the calories from a candy bar? The answer, it is the humble jump rope.

Jumping rope is a great calorie-burner for weight loss. You’d have to run an eight-minute mile to work off more calories than you’d burn jumping rope. Jump rope for weight loss works, a ten minute session at a minimum of 12 revolutions per minute can provide the same benefits as:

30 minutes of jogging
6 sets of tennis
30 minutes of racket sorts
12 minutes of swimming
18 holes of golf

Jumping rope for weight loss, is convenient enough to fit into anyone’s schedule. You can get the benefits of a much longer workout by jumping rope for 10-20 minutes, three to five times a week. It’s a good idea to focus on a cardiovascular workout at first, by sticking to simple jumps so you can build up speed gradually. You can burn 200-300 calories with a 10-20 minute session. This not only improves cardiovascular health, but also helps to increase your resting metabolism through the day, ensuring you are burning calories all day long.

If you want to an exercise program for weight loss, you should really consider jumping rope not just of weight loss but a lifestyle that helps keep the weight off. Jump rope is portable and effective for both calorie burning and overall strengthening and also provides a powerful workout. You can jump rope in increments until you are comfortable extending the duration, and also incorporate it easily into other types of exercise. That’s why jumping rope is a great way to get in shape and stay in shape by helping you with a lifestyle change.

Regular Exercise jumping rope will help you keep stress under control in your life and keep a healthy lifestyle. You need to be using Buddy Lee’s jump rope system to be exercising effectively, which includes high-intensity activities into your exercise rotation. Using Buddy’s high-intensity interval-type training helps boosts human growth hormone (HGH) production, HGH is essential for optimal health and strength. HGH also helps boost weight loss, which in turn helps with your overall health.

Exercise is also good for the old gray matter, research has discovered that exercise stimulates the production of a protein called FNDC5… Over time, FNDC5 stimulates the production of another protein in the brain called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which in turns stimulates the growth of new nerves and synapses… and also preserves the survival of existing brain cells.”

Fitness Centers, around the world incorporate jump rope as part of group exercise classes as a short cardio component. Jump rope is integrated into various Exercise modalities such as Pilate’s, Kick boxing, Boxing, Yoga, Bosu Ball, Resista Ball, Boot camp and many other forms of exercises all which promote weight loss.

In Sports training programs Coaches incorporate jump rope as a warm up and conditioning tool for improving overall athletic performance as well as weight loss. Physical Therapist may prescribe jump rope as a low impact exercise for rehabilitating and improving proprioception in injured ankles and knees as well as weight loss.

Jump Rope Fitness
The Jump Rope Institute teaches Jump Rope Weight Loss as part of jump rope education, jump rope fitness, jump rope health, jump rope cross training and jump rope recreation. We want to motivate and encourage people to use jump ropes for sports, and jump rope recreation as a way of life.
Jump Rope, Jumping Rope Training